COVIDSafe App, a car crash?

The COVIDSafe app has been launched and there is considerable debate; will it be safe, can we trust how our data will be used, has it been rushed? These are all valid questions and should be asked but I am saddened by some of the debate.

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Neil Glentworth
Addressing the decline of public trust in government.

Public trust in Australian institutions – government, business, charities and the media, has been on the decline for many years, according to the 2019 Elderman Index of Trust[1]. Most recently, and before the 2019 Federal election, a Roy Morgan[2] poll highlighted ‘loss of trust in major political parties and politicians’ as a top issue for Australians voting.

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Neil Glentworth
So what is my data worth?

Businesses and governments today are increasing ‘data centric’, and their business models are founded on data collection, retrieval, value addition and in some cases sale. Interestingly, despite the pivotal role that data plays in their businesses, these companies do not have a way to practically account for this asset on a daily basis.

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Neil Glentworth