Neil Glentworth

Latest Commentary

Neil is...


a Storyteller

Neil is passionate about productivity at a macro level, and is an active advocate of economic growth and the creation of public and shareholder value.

a Data Driver

Neil is known for his no-nonsense advice with a focus on practical ways to leverage data for social and economic benefit.


a Thoughtleader

Neil can bring data to life with a knack that has audiences enthralled. A born storyteller and orator, Neil channels his passion for data-driven decisions into something every audience member will walk away with and simply ‘get’.

a Media Commentator

Neil is regularly called on for his to-the-point commentary and signature style. Neil is a trusted data specialist and big-picture thinker who’s not afraid to challenge the status quo - or any form of government.


"Data doesn’t care about emotion"


Key topics


Data-driven Decisions

We all know data is important. But how do we harness its power to drive economic growth and create real value?


Smart Communities

Citizen’s come first in every smart decision. Where is Australia at and how do we get where we want to be?


Data Security & Privacy

Privacy is ours to give, not for others to take. How do organisations gain and maintain their customers’ trust?


Economic Development

The digital economy is disruptive. Visionary public policy in the digital age is needed for any country to truly thrive.


Business, Commerce and Leadership

The founder of multiple successful businesses and a proven leader, Neil knows what it takes to start, build and thrive in a global economy.


Contact Neil

Neil is a sought-after keynote speaker, media commentator, data advisor and smart communities specialist. Get in touch to see how he can help your organisation.